Pendekatan Ekonomi Dalam Politik Internasional (Yuniarti )

July 31, 2013
Filed under: Artikel Jurnal, Karya Ilmiah Dosen 

Data Karya Ilmiah Dosen

Submitted by: ,
On: Jul 31, 2013 @ 12:30 PM

  • Judul: Pendekatan Ekonomi Dalam Politik Internasional
  • Pengarang (nama dosen): Yuniarti
  • Abstrak (max. 1600 atau 250 kata): Economic issue had emerged in international politics since Industrial Revolution in Europe and United State of America in the 1880s. In this period the issue created conflict relations pattern amongs states for creating competitions to conquer economic resources which are located either within or outside their regions. Unfortunatelly, it became less important because international relations had been dominated by power politics and military concern untill the world war broke. Post World War II and Cold War, economic issue became central approach in international politics. The post war destruction and socialism-communism collapse in Soviet Union and China resulted in world economy in terms of liberal capitalism became the winner. The reinforcing or economic regionalism and globalization have been creating a number of economic institutions which regulate interaction and integration of national economics into regional and global one. International relations pattern determined by economic issue rather than poltics or ideology. Although, economics issue not only become cohession between nation-state to cooperate but also conflict source to struggle over economic sources. Moreover, globalization as the foundation of world order have created hugh gap between developed countries and developing and less-developed countries, and created international poverty.
  • Kata Kunci (max. 80 huruf atau 10 kata): economic approach, international politics
  • Program Studi/Unit Kerja: Ilmu Hubungan Internasional
  • Jenis Karya Ilmiah (type of material): Artikel dalam Jurnal
  • Nama Jurnal (utk artikel dlm jurnal): Jurnal Interdependence – FISIP Universitas Mulawarman
  • Volume [jurnal]: 1
  • Nomor [jurnal]: 1
  • Tahun [jurnal]: 2013
  • File (max. 8 Mb): Pendekatan Ekonomi Dalam Politik Internasional (Jurnal) (07-31-13-12-30-42).pdf (508 kB)


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