Kepentingan Amerika Serikat Dalam Kerjasama Dengan Turki Bidang Pertahanan (Luthfir Rahman Wijarnako)

October 22, 2019
Filed under: Data Portal Mahasiswa S1 

Data Portal Mahasiswa S1

Submitted by: Wijarnako, Luthfir Rahman
On: Oct 22, 2019 @ 9:27 AM

  • 1. Title [Judul]: Kepentingan Amerika Serikat Dalam Kerjasama Dengan Turki Bidang Pertahanan
  • 2. Creator [Pengarang/ penulis]: Luthfir Rahman Wijarnako
  • 3. Subject [Subjek dan kata kunci]: United States, NATO, Defence Economy Cooperation Agreement (DECA)
  • 4. Description [Abstrak] : This research aims to provide an overview of the interests of the United States with Turkey in the field of defense, considering that the United States is a large country with its defense and military powers that seeks to remain in expanding its influence with NATO and its cooperation agreements with Turkey. The research uses the theory of national interest and national security as the basis of this research. From the analysis carried out it is known that there are several interests of the United States of America from the cooperation agreement on Defense Economy Cooperation Agreement (DECA) and there are also things that are not yet known in US interests, so this study concludes that the US has a significant impact in this study.
  • 5. Publisher [Nama Lembaga Kontributor]: Program Studi Ilmu Hubungan Internasional
  • 6. Contributor [Pembimbing, promotor, ilustrator, produser, dll.] : Yuniarti & Muhammad Nizar Hidayat
  • 7. Date [Tanggal / tahun penciptaan atau penerbitan]: 18 Oktober/2019
  • 8. Type: Artikel
  • 10. Right [Contoh: CCL, MIT, Open Document, dll.]: Doc.


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